Big and Tall Weather Gear’s Not Easy to Find

Rain hitting roof tiles

I wanted to write a little bit of a rant here because I get so upset whenever I need a specialty item quickly like a rain coat but nobody carries one big enough. Since I live on the Oregon coast, I need a good rain jacket that I switch out every few years because it rains a lot here.

To get a big and tall rain jacket I have to turn to a website like Amazon, which isn’t always that fast at getting items to me. If I were able to get away with what most do like running to a store like Walmart and finding what I need, that would be amazing.

There are ways to get priority shipping, like if you look at the listing here on Amazon (this link opens in a new tab), it has Prime shipping yet it still will be here in 3 to 4 days from what it’s telling me.

So I just don’t think it’s very fair that not everyone has access to the same stuff, because I know for a fact there are others in my area that have the same needs as I do with how tall I am and such so it makes no sense for us not to be catered to.

Do you have anything like this happening where you’re located? My city is fairly small, so it’s to be expected, but I also had issues in a much bigger place with tons of stores because most stores just don’t cater to people with an above average height.


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